On the Superposition of God

Recently, someone objected that there are 3000 gods, and so God must not be real. First, I will not address the accuracy of the number, but I will concede that there are many different religions that claim God or gods.  The objection is that if God is real, why so many religions claiming God or gods in different ways with different rituals and dogmas? Given what we have discovered about matter and energy in the last 100-200 years, it would be inconceivable, analyzing what we have determined about matter and energy, that God exist if his being had not been manifested in many forms and interpretations by our being.

All major religions have given God omnipotence and omnipresence throughout space-time with no bounds in range.  Worshiping God, praying to him, or just thinking of him must have the same result that measuring a particle has at the quantum level: Before the measurement all states are possible, but we can only yield one state any time when we make a measurement. This may make no sense, but it is somewhat analogous to knowing what other people are thinking, you have no idea what they are thinking until they say or do something to let you know. Before that action, analogous to the measurement, they could be thinking anything, but after you hear them or see their actions you know what they are thinking. Once the interaction is over, they go back and can be thinking anything once again until you inquire about their thinking. But a single measurement of their thinking can never encompass all their thinking and so you never fully know what someone truly thinks, you only have an idea.

Since God is omnipresent, when we try to understand his nature, we only understand one state of many and as a result over thousands of years we have created different ideas and attributes of the same God. For God is only one and our different ways of worshiping and appealing to his grace is just a natural consequence of his nature and that of the world he brought us into to share with him.

If we did not have many religions, and if we would have had discovered quantum mechanics, as we have, then perhaps we would have proven that God does not exist; but the many religions and the ways of interacting with God, is further evidence of quantum superposition and the existence of God.

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